Line 6 Guitar Port Xt Usb Guitar Interface
Free Ecu Flashing Software. Sonoma's Tempest offers eight modulation effects Whether deserved or not, guitarists have a reputation for being somewhat technophobic. The Line 6 GuitarPort package is arguably the easiest-to-use amp modelling option on the market, its well-designed software and USB interface endearing it to many.
However, guitarists who have wanted to record with it have always had to add a sequencer into the equation as well. Until now, that is. GuitarPort RiffTracker comprises the full version of the GuitarPort 2.51 software, the retro-styled hardware interface and the all-new Sonoma Wire Works RiffWorks, which is designed for recording complete tracks. Installation is very straightforward: load the software, plug in the hardware and it works. A one-off connection to the internet is required to activate RiffWorks - if you don´t do this, the record, save and mix functions are disabled.
The hardware interface is identical to that in the GuitarPort package, except for the presence of a single RiffTracker logo. Your guitar plugs into the front and the large dial on top sets the input level. At the rear there´s a USB connection, stereo phono outputs, and 3.5mm line-in and headphone sockets. Let´s work The RiffWorks software´s user interface is easy on the eye and clearly laid out. The rack-effect modular design is in keeping with that of the GuitarPort software and very easy to navigate.
The Riff Recorder is used to record your performance. Recordings are then stored as layers, and each of these is represented as a rack module at the centre of the interface.
Find great deals on eBay for line 6 guitarport and line 6 pod. Line 6 Guitar Port USB Audio Interface-BRAN D NEW-NEVER. Line 6 POD XT Live Guitar Modeler.
All of the modules have pan and gain controls, plus solo, mute, duplicate and FXedit buttons. This last button displays the layer´s effects settings in the effects section at the bottom of the screen - each individual layer can have up to seven effects. You can also apply effects to the input signal and record them.
This is kinder on your CPU, but means that the effects can´t be edited later on. Guitar tones are created using the excellent GuitarPort software, the interface for which is accessed via a button on the RiffWorks interface. If you´ve already got a favourite tone saved to disk, you can load it straight in via a drop-down preset menu. One of the best features of the software is the Junt function.
This allows you to either arm for recording or set the tempo by palm muting your strings and strumming. It´s inspired. Above the Riff Recorder is the Riff List. A Riff is made up of one or more layers and stored here ready to be arranged in the simple sequencer above. Riffs can be dragged around, renamed, duplicated, deleted, imported and exported. Each Riff can have a different tempo, length (up to 240 bars) and time signature. These settings are configured using the fields in the Riff Recorder.
Build it up A song arrangement is created by dragging Riffs into the single sequencer timeline at the top of the interface. The hierarchical nature of the software gives you a very intuitive and uncomplicated way of working - songs can be built up extremely quickly by duplicating existing riffs and adding new layers.
At the bottom of the interface is the Backups section. This features four elements: Metronome, InstantDrummer, REX player and ReWire. The metronome has gain and pan controls and offers a choice of bassbell, hi-hat or snare sounds.
The REX player allows for the import of up to four different REX files per riff, and these automatically stretch to song tempo. The ReWire section, meanwhile, allows you to use up to four other programs in sync with RiffTracker. Finally, there´s the InstantDrummer. This is fantastic and puts all other guitar modules´ drum accompaniment systems to shame. It´s ridiculously easy to use and sounds superb. There are four controls: Intensity, which determines the vigour with which the drums are played; Variation, which sets the complexity and variety of performance; Ambience, which adds room sound; and Gain, which is used to set the level. Session and Part drop-down menus allow you to select the sounds and styles of the drummer.
Four sessions are included: Afro Island Grooves, Drums on Demand, Mekanic Beats and Trash Funk. Parts include intro, verse, chorus, fill and so on. All parameters can be set per Riff, which makes this a highly adaptable accompaniment environment.
What´s more, an ever-expanding library of drummers is available for purchase online. Once you´ve completed a song, you can use the mix function to create a finished WAV or compressed Ogg-Vorbis file. You can also use the mix-to-riff function to mix several riffs into one. Right track It´s hard to fault GuitarPort RiffTracker.
It looks great, sounds great, is very easy to use and comes with its own audio interface. You get a great selection of Line 6 amps and effects that come straight from the industry-standard PODxt, and also seven unique and creative Sonoma Wire Works effects. What´s most impressive, however, is the ease with which RiffTracker allows you to record and sequence a song. If you´re looking for a simple, high-quality, one-stop guitar studio solution, we thoroughly recommend it. Tech Specs Brand Line 6 OS Requirements Apple Mac OS X 10.4 or later Microsoft Windows 2000 Microsoft Windows ME Microsoft Windows XP No.
I purchased the unit at Guitar Center after reading a variety of reviews and magazine articles. I paid $169.99. I am an intermeidate/hobby guitarist, my son is a drummer, so I thought I would practice a bit and get the chops back. The amp models are amazing and I like seeing the panels and the dials.
I don't have the greatest electric guitar,but this thing makes it sound great. My buddy who was in a rock band for 10 years came over and tried it out. He could not believe the sound. He said he had owned most of the amps that were modeled and they sounded great. I played the thing for 3 hours just messing with the amp settings. I subscribed to the online service and I like the news, the online lessons, tones, tracks.
I learned to play Tush by ZZ-Top in a couple of hours. Best guitar money I ever spent. Some say it was hard to set-up, but my 7 year old figured it out - so it can't be that bad.
It will not work with the old AMD K6 processor, but any newer machine will work. Occasionally locks-up the computer (but this is a bargain/bargain basement computer). A reboot cleans it up. It sounds best through headphones, sounds horrible through the PC speakers and we have not figured out how to hook it up to the PA/Amp with no feedback.
I thing the Line 6 POD is the tool for that. You need to download the latest updates before installing to be sure it works with your computer. A software CD and interface unit are provided. The unit is plastic, but weighted to stay put. There is one big volume dial on the interface unit. All other controls are managed by your mouse on your computer. All cords are provided to hook the unit up to your computer, although you will need a Y jack if you want to listen to it through your PC speakers, headphones and your guitar cord.
OK, I am not a professional musician. I doodle on the guitar. This thing is great for what I need. I spend an hour in the basement, I am jamming with ZZ-Top, SRV, Hendrix, Stray Cats at ear splitting volume on the headphones, while my wife and kids are sleaping. This review was originally published on.
Effects: GuitarPort® features classic stompbox effects like delay, chorus, tremolo, flanger, reverb and more.Tweak to your heart's content, save as many variations as you want, or choose from our extensive library of ready to rock tones. From models based on* classic stompboxes like the Fuzz Face, Tube Screamer®, Phase 90, and Uni-Vibe, GuitarPort is like having a whole rack system and custom pedal board living inside your computer. GuitarPort also offers the ability to change the signal path of the effects for every tone. The reverbs, modulation effects, and delays can be routed either in front of the amp (pre) or after (post), so that chorus can be either a stompbox or a rack unit, depending on what you need.
Amps/Cabs: Line 6® invented digital modeling guitar amps and is the magic behind the guitar tones used on countless platinum albums. Now, Line 6 brings that acclaimed tone technology from the greatest recording studios in the world to your desktop. GuitarPort's meticulously crafted recreations of a dream collection of 16 classic and modern guitar amplifiers coupled with two dozen cabinet options easily capture the range of tone found on the best guitar tracks ever recorded. You can mix and match POD® XT-quality amp and cab models based on* Marshall®, Fender®, Mesa/Boogie®, Vox®, Roland®, Soldano and more, with controls laid out for a guitarist and not some computer geek. And the sound?
The same dead-on classic tones used by hundreds of thousands of Line 6 users every day. Tracks & Jams Tools: To put your great guitar tone to use, GuitarPort® gives you an easy to use audio player that lets you jam along with MP3s, WAV files, or any audio CD in your personal collection.
You can rip tracks, scan through the audio, jump to any point, loop sections, and even slow to half speed without changing pitch for careful study of your favorite lick. GuitarPort® Online: Each week thousands of guitarists connect to GuitarPort® Online to download and play along with the latest and greatest tracks, lessons and licks. A subscription to GuitarPort Online provides unlimited access to hundreds of tracks and lessons - covering the greatest guitarists of all time. Once the product is delivered, you have 30 days to decide that you definitely want to keep it. If you decide it is not suitable for any reason, you can return it back to us for replacement or full refund, including standard delivery charges. All Products are new unless stated, and include a minimum of 2 years warranty.
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Exceptions may only be possible with prior agreement of the vendor, and may be subject to a cancellation fee. Once the product is delivered, you have 30 days to decide that you definitely want to keep it. If you decide it is not suitable for any reason, you can return it back to us for replacement or full refund, including standard delivery charges. All Products are new unless stated, and include a minimum of 2 years warranty.
Some items are only eligible for money back guarantee if they are returned to us unused and sealed in the original packaging, and in the case of software, unregistered. These items include: • Software • CDs & DVDs • In-ear Monitors • Earplugs and Ear Protection • Mouthpieces, Reeds etc for Woodwind and Brass instruments • Mouth / Lip Care Products We are unable to accept returns of any custom made items designed to work together as a unique package, such as computer system built to a customer’s personal specifications. Exceptions may only be possible with prior agreement of the vendor, and may be subject to a cancellation fee.
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