Free Imei Unlock Code Calculator
One of the disadvantages of owning a cell phone is that it only accepts a particular SIM card. In other words, it cannot be used with SIM cards from other providers, which is uncomfortable and annoying. Telephony providers require you to own an access code in order to join their network. When you bump into this sort of situation, leave panic aside and try WorldUnlock Codes Calculator. Supports a large variety of brands This little software gets you the access code you need for a variety of phones. Supported models include Nokia, Siemens, Vitel, Maxel, Panasonic, LG, AEG, Samsung, Motorola, as well as several others. Installation finishes in a jiffy and requires almost no effort on your behalf, aside from pressing a few ‘Next’ buttons. Sanitary Pipe Fittings Autocad Blocks Kitchen.
The interface is simple, no hidden menus included, making accommodation a walk in the park. There's a chance you might need to install to ensure functionality. Quickly get ahold of the unlocking code you need Usage implies to select your phone model, to enter the IMEI code (International Model Equipment Identity - usually imprinted on the battery), your country and your provider. All that’s left to do is hit the ‘Calculate’ button and you are now the owner of multiple unlock codes for your device. As a side note, the codes need to be entered while your phone is SIM-free (the SIM card needs to be removed). This takes little of your time, after which you are free to use your mobile phone in order to connect to different providers, given that you own a dedicated SIM card. To end with All in all, WorldUnlock Codes Calculator is a way better solution than having to pay for multiple mobile phone service providers.
It proves efficient in unlocking the supported devices, thus allowing you to switch SIM cards whenever you want.
Supported phone models for unlock: Many ZTE models and ZTE manufactured other brands that require 12 digit unlock codes supported by this calculator. The following list is a sample and it’s not final and complete. If you have question please use forums, support or write to us. No support or help provided through comment system, because of the nature comment system works and it’s denies long conversations.
SFR-114, SFR-231, SFR-232, SFR-341, SFR-342, SFR-343, SFR-251, SFR-251 Messenger Edition, N261, N281, Orange Vegas, Orange Lisbon, Orange Rio, Orange Miami, Orange Rome ZTE Sage, TMN5000, Vodafone Indie, X670, X760, X761, X960, X991, G-N 281, GX760, GX761, GR230, GR231, A261+, X990, T-Mobile Vairy Touch, T Mobile Vairy Touch II, Vodafone 547, ZTE Zest, Zong R221, Zong R231 and more Update: T-Mobile Zest II supported If you found any supported model not included in this list, please tell us via comment, we’ll update it promptly.
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